Disability Hearings: Performing Well

Retaining a social security disability law firm may have have eased early anxieties about being approved for SSDI/SSI or "disability" payments. However, as your attorney prepares your documents and case, you might begin to feel nervous about the SSDI hearing. This hearing will require that you and your lawyer lay out your claim that you can't work because of a chronic, serious disability; this will be done with a presiding judge present who is likely to have comments or questions about the situation. To calm your nerves so you can make a clear, sensible case for yourself, you'll need these hearing-related recommendations.

1. Be Honest

You likely consider yourself to be a truthful, straightforward person. However, because you understand the importance of the hearing and what it can mean for your benefits, you might feel the need to somewhat stretch the truth or add embellishments to your statements. You might think doing so will emphasize your disabilities and underline your need for disability payments. However, your attorney will tell you to always be honest about everything you're going through. Your statements must match up with your doctor's treatment and recommendations. They must match your diagnosis. Your true disability should be adequate for the judge without being less than truthful about them.

2. Give Examples

The urge to provide short answers is natural. However, when questioned, be specific. If the judge wants to know how you purchase groceries, for instance, don't tell them about getting in the car and getting to the store. Discuss how hard it is for you to emerge from your bed. Tell them how long it takes you to dress and clean yourself. Describe pains plainly and explain your disability in a way that shows how difficult daily life has become.

3. Take Your Time

If you're anxious, you're likely to speed through every answer and forget to add details that could be insightful for the judge to know. When asked something, inhale deeply and repeat the question to yourself quietly. Think about what you'd like to say, and clearly answer what was asked. Try not to let your nerves get ahead of you; that deep breath may seem unneeded, but it can visibly and internally calm you enough to give expressive, direct responses.

With your attorney's help and these tips, you should be well prepared for the entire hearing. You can then wait for a notification that you've finally been approved.

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What Everyone Should Know Before Hiring An Accident Attorney

My name is Diane, and when I was hurt in an automobile accident, I was hesitant to contact an attorney because I thought it would be too expensive. Before completely ruling out getting an attorney, I decided to research accident and personal injury attorneys to find out exactly what they do and what I could expect if I decided to have one represent me in my case. I was very impressed by what I found out, and I also discovered that the payment arrangement for many accident attorneys are based on a contingency fee. With this knowledge, I was able to hire an attorney, and I didn't have to worry about the expense. If you've had any type of accident or injury that was caused by another person, you should read the information in my blog. I've made this information available so that others will know what to do.